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Publications of Torsten Hoefler
S. Harrell, P. Smith, D. Smith, Torsten Hoefler, A. Labutina and T. Overmeyer:

 Methods of Creating Student Cluster Competition Teams

(In Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, presented in Salt Lake City, Utah, pages 50:1--50:6, ACM, Jul. 2011)


This paper aims to describe methods that can be used to create new Student Cluster Competition teams from the standpoint of the team advisors. The purpose is to share these methods in order to create an easier path for organizing a successful team. These methods were gleaned from a survey of advisors that have formed teams in the last four years. Four advisors responded to the survey and those responses fit into five categories: (1) early preparation, (2) coursework specific to the competition, (3) close relationships with the hardware vendors, (4) concentration on the applications over the hardware, and (5) the need to encourage the team members to write papers about their experiences. In addition to these commonalities which may be best practices there are a few divergent but intriguing techniques that may also prove useful for potential advisors. Both will be discussed here and these methods can serve as a primer for anyone looking to start a new Student Cluster Competition team.

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  author={S. Harrell and P. Smith and D. Smith and Torsten Hoefler and A. Labutina and T. Overmeyer},
  title={{Methods of Creating Student Cluster Competition Teams}},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery},
  location={Salt Lake City, Utah},

serving:© Torsten Hoefler