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Publications of Torsten Hoefler
Jens Domke, Torsten Hoefler:

 Scheduling-Aware Routing for Supercomputers

(Nov. 2016, Accepted at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'16) )


The interconnection network has a large influence on total cost, application performance, energy consumption, and overall system efficiency of a supercomputer. Unfortunately, today’s routing algorithms do not utilize this important resource most efficiently. We first demonstrate this by defining the dark fiber metric as a measure of unused resource in networks. To improve the utilization, we propose scheduling-aware routing, a new technique that uses the current state of the batch system to determine a new set of network routes and so increases overall system utilization by up to 17.74%. We also show that our proposed routing increases the throughput of communication benchmarks by up to 17.6% on a practical InfiniBand installation. Our routing method is implemented in the standard InfiniBand tool set and can immediately be used to optimize systems. In fact, we are using it to improve the utilization of our production petascale supercomputer for more than one year.


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  author={Jens Domke and Torsten Hoefler},
  title={{Scheduling-Aware Routing for Supercomputers}},
  note={Accepted at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'16)},

serving:© Torsten Hoefler